Privacy policy for Edo Sweden AB

Introduction and summary
Your personal privacy is important to Edo Sweden AB ("Edo" "Edosthlm" or "we"). In this policy, we want to inform you about how we treat your personal data and rights. Personal data is information that can be connected with you as a private person, for example your name and your contact information. To summarize, we process your personal data: To the extent necessary to be able to handle and deliver your order. To provide you with offers and inspiration. Both through newsletters, SMS and targeted personalized marketing in social media, as well as otherwise online and offline. To communicate with you and answer your questions. To ask you about Edosthlm and your experience with us. To remind you of an abandoned "shopping cart". For to create and maintain a customer account.To comply with laws and regulations (e.g. consumer and accounting law). You have several rights according to da the Protection Act. For example, you always have the right to object to marketing. You can also read about how you can influence our processing of your personal data - what rights you have. Do you want to know more? Please read our detailed explanations below. You can read about how, why and how long we process your personal data.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?
Edo Sweden AB, with VAT no: SE559283947501, is responsible for the processing of your personal data. Note that our providers of payment solutions, for example Klarna, process personal data that they retrieve from our website when making purchases and are themselves responsible for their processing. If you want to contact us about the processing of your personal data, contact us at Our address is Styrmansgatan 18, 553 12 Jönköping.

From whom or where do we get your personal data?
We process personal data that you have shared with us. Who can access your personal data? Your personal data is mainly processed by us at Edosthlm. We will never sell your personal data. In some cases, we share your personal data in order to fulfill our obligations to you in a good and efficient way: To make sure that you pay us, our providers of payment solutions will have access to your personal data. In order for us to be able to deliver your products to your home address or delivery point and to handle returns, we will share your personal data with shipping companies. To collect and publish your reviews on our website, we share your personal data with the supplier who provides us with technical solutions to collect and publish the reviews. In order to market relevant products and to make our website as relevant as possible, we share your personal data with those who provide us with marketing services. For example, Google and Facebook. We will share your personal data with IT providers who process the personal data on our behalf as assistants to help us with IT services.
You can contact us if you want more detailed information about who we share your personal data with.

Do we transfer your personal data outside the EU/EEA?

How can you influence the processing of your personal data?
According to data protection laws, you have several rights to influence our processing of your personal data. Read more below.
Right to withdraw consent and to object to treatment. You have the right to fully or partially withdraw consent for the processing of your personal data. Your revocation will apply from and including the time you revoke consent. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You always have the right to object to marketing from us, such as newsletters. You generally have the right to object when the processing is based on a balancing of interests. Read more about what that means below. In some other cases, the right to object does not exist (eg because we have to save your personal data). If we can show compelling legal reasons for the processing that outweigh your interests and fundamental rights or if it is for the purpose of determining, exercising or defending legal claims, you never have the right to object to the processing.

Right of access
You have the right to receive confirmation on whether we process personal data concerning you. You can get access to the personal data and get a copy of the personal data that we process.

Right to rectification You have the right to have inaccurate personal data concerning you corrected and to ask us to have incomplete personal data completed.

Right to erase your information
("the right to be forgotten" ) and limitation of processing Under certain circumstances you have the right to the deletion of your personal data. This applies, for example, if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected or processed or when you withdraw your consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal basis for continuing the processing. You also have the right to request that Edosthlm limit the processing of your personal data. This applies, for example, when the correctness of the personal data is questioned by you or if the processing is illegal and you object to the deletion of the personal data and instead request that the use be restricted.

Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
You always have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can do so in the particular EU/EEA Member State where you are domiciled, where you work or where an alleged breach of applicable data protection legislation occurred. In Sweden, Datainspektionen is the supervisory authority. This right does not affect other administrative or legal measures.

Right to data portability
You have the right to ask us to transfer some of your personal data that we have about you to another company (data portability). This right applies to personal data you have provided us with in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable and compatible format if: The processing is based on consent or a contract; The processing is carried out automatically When you exercise your right to data portability, you have, where technically possible, the right to have personal data transferred directly from Edosthlm to another data controller.

How and why do we process your personal data?
Processing before purchase In order for us to be able to communicate with you and in order to receive feedback from you, we need to process your personal data. If you do not provide us with your personal data for these purposes, we will not be able to provide you with the service or answer your questions.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?
- To save your abandoned cart and remind you of the product(s) you have left in the cart if you have started a purchase by entering your email address.
- To be able to communicate with you.
- To answer your questions- For in order for us to be able to carry out your purchase, for example deliver the product, we need to process your personal data.
- We also need to process your personal data to comply with statutory regulations or other requirements, such as the requirements of the Accounting Act to save data and consumer protection laws.

If you do not provide us with personal data for these purposes, we will not be able to complete your purchase with us. Please note that our payment solution providers also process your personal data to administer the payment for your order. Our payment solution providers are independently responsible for such processing. Some of our payment solution providers allow you to choose an easier way to complete purchases by automatically filling in your personal data or being remembered on your device.- To administer your purchase, i.e. to know with whom we enter into a contract, to confirm your purchase, to deliver your purchase and communicate with you regarding your delivery and collect information about your experience. If you want to use your right of withdrawal, open purchase or exchange your product and to be able to comply with consumer protection laws. The processing is necessary for the performance of our contract with you and for us to comply with relevant consumer protection laws. From when you complete your purchase and twelve (12) months thereafter. If you choose to exercise any of your rights, we will process your personal data until we have made a decision regarding the right of withdrawal, open purchase or exchange of a product and completed any refund or sent you the new product. To handle any complaints, claims and/or legal disputes against us.
- To send e-mails asking you for reviews after your purchase.
- Processing to communicate news, inspiration and relevant offers to you.
- To comply with laws, such as, for example, the Accounting Act and money laundering legislation.
- To send newsletters and relevant offers on request to you as well as to send marketing to you who have completed a purchase.
- To market our products on our website, we may publish your images/videos of the product that you have shared on your social media. The image/video that you have shared on social media media, your username and your text. These may include personal information about you. Our legitimate interest is to publish material that you tagged #edosthlm or #edo until you state that you no longer want us to show the image/film on our website.

This privacy policy was updated by Edo Sweden AB on January 5, 2023.
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