Beauty and masculinity are rarely heard in the same sentence, and that is the main reason we started EDO.
Our goal was to create easy-to-use products with a focus on quality, local production and sustainability – a smooth routine that gets the job done without hassle and delivers clear results. We didn’t feel at home in the harsh design language that usually characterizes men’s hair and skin care, but wanted a minimalist and natural design for our products. The vision was a high-quality line that creates a simple routine – so you can be your best self every day. It’s our way of challenging and redefining society’s image of masculinity.
We have spent a lot of time in the lab testing and blending local ingredients for the best possible results, and it really paid off. We strongly believe in avoiding long-distance imports as much as possible and instead using what we have here, such as locally grown oat, hemp seed and rapeseed oil.
Our products are manufactured in Borlänge and our packaging in Götene and Jönköping. We have worked hard to produce products that give the very best results and hope that we can make a difference for your face.
/Danny & Johan

No nonsense - just the absolute best, both for your conscience and your skin.
What makes skincare brands around the world choose ingredients like jojoba oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, etc. - regardless of where they are produced? That's a question we asked ourselves when we started EDO. How much worse would it be to choose local ingredients like oats, rapeseed, blueberries, tomatoes, carrots and cloudberries instead?
We started testing in our lab and very quickly came to the answer - it's not worse, it's better! So instead of shipping ingredients for our products from countries far away, we use locally produced oils, which also give a better result. We also save on the environment when we say no to long shipments. With our producers close by, we can maintain a close dialogue and get a clear insight into production, which gives us the opportunity to continuously control, evaluate and improve.
For years, we have carefully tested different ingredients and products to create a series of easy-to-use, high-quality skincare products. We didn't give up until we felt that each product creates magic and a clear difference. And now they are here, and they are for you. Without you having to make any effort - we have done that for you!
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